Europe Sketchbook: Going to Amsterdam

I just arrived back from Europe a couple of days ago. An amazing experience, leaving me very inspired to do more.

Still fighting jetlag, so I decided to scan some of my sketchbooks from the trip to share online.One of the hardest things was how to share them on this blog. I would often draw in different sketchbooks in the same location and/or day. So, I will share them with you all by location.

Here are the first lot. The voyage, from Melbourne to Amsterdam via Kuala Lumpur, and then at my cousin's house in Netherlands.

We met some Americans recently in Paris, and they asked us where we were from. I said Australia and they said wow, that's a long flight and I said it's actually two long flights. Boy, is it ever.

We stayed in Ruurlo, a really nice town where my cousin and her family lived. From the airplane I already started collecting random ephemera so I bought another sketchbook which I could stick and staple and scribble more.