
Some drawings from my moleskine:

The corner of Franklin Street and Swanston Street. I used to have a studio there and enjoyed sitting on the steps, drawing and eating icecream.

These two girls having a conversation inspired me. I like the graceful line of the legs connecting them. Matisse's conversation painting has always been an influence on me.

A strong influence behind this picture is Aztec art. I love their artwork; their strange forms and patterns mixed with that darkness.

Fragments of people, doodlings, hands, arms and a coffee grinder.

Carlise Street, in Balaclava, a suburb of Melbourne, Australia. Went for a walk, ate a hamburger on a bench and drew till darkness told me to go home.


Isabel said...

great spreads, love the two girls talking and the beautiful lines.

robobop said...

Thanks Isabel! I'm glad you like the two girls, it was one of those times that a great composition just pops out in front of you.